Monday, August 31

Wish to be a doctor ?


So just now I have read a book titled 'Diagnosis'. I know I'm a later type of person. Everybody else read the book even the second book, while me just JUST read the first one. I bought that book 3 months ago actually but my heart only open to read it just now. Hewhewhew.
Well, technically of course I want to 'kupas' about the book. Here is me a 18 years young (instead of old, I preferably use young so that I know I'm still young 🙆) girl who have a typical minded on doctors.

Not to say I hate doctors, just that yeah you know I only not into this medical thingy. I used to have a typical tought about doctors where they are always busy and have to face all kinds of human' attitude and lack of sleep. Kahkahkah. Tapi hampa jangan main main depa gaji besaq. Dugaan hidup pun besaq gak.

So basically the book give me a bigger frame of benefots being a doctor. I always want to do things that open my eyes about Allah swt's Greatness. So by being a doctor and meeting those who in needs in terms of health, is a good thing to see Allah's Greatness. Because there are diseases that we human cannot cure other than Allah's will to heal them. Besides, our Prophet Muhammad SAW said
Sabda Rasulullah SAW "Sesiapa yang menziarahi saudara seIslamnya yang sakit seolah-olah dia berada dalam Kharfah sehingga dia pulang" Baginda kemudian ditanya: "Wahai Rasulullah, apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan Kharfah itu ?" Rasulullah besabda, "Iaitu kebun syurga (yang penuh dengan buah buahan yang boleh dipetik pada bila bila masa)" (hadis riwayat Muslim)
"Tiada seorang pun yang menziarahi saudara seIslamnya yang sakit pada waktu pagi melainkan 70,000 malaikat mendoakannya untuk mendapat rahmat sehingga ke waktu petang. Sekiranya dia menziarahi saudaranya pada waktu petang, maka 70,000 malaikat mendoakannya untuk mendapat rahmat Allah sehingga ke waktu pagi. Dia juga akan mendapat nikmat berupa buah-buahan syurga yang boleh dioetik pada bila-bila masa." (Hadis riwayat At-Tirmizi)              (Taken from Diagnosis, pg 9-10)

 Therefore, lets support those who wish to pursue doctors. And for doctors to-be and doctors out there, may all your efforts and hardship pay off in this world and hereafter.

My mom used to wish I'll be a doctor. But cant help that I really dont have any criteria to be a doctor. Mana taknya weh, tengok orang nak kena bedah pun dah nak tercabut jantung, ini kalau cek yang membedah. Mahu cek yang 'jalan' dulu. Kahkahkah.

Aanyways, no matter what we do, niatkan kerana Allah. Inshaa Allah, dipermudahkan 😌

Thank you,
Assalamualaikum !

P/s: Next week final woi. Kejung otot perut menahan debor. Harap dipermudah. Huhuhu