Friday, November 6

Why bad things happen to me ?

Assalamualaikum :)
Hoping you're doing fine there.
Today I just wanna do some self reminder. To be honest I've been hit by all those things that stressed me out these few weeks. From family, friends, old friends, classes everything ! I dont know what went wrong. I'm not complaining. But as I said its just a self reminder. I know everyone is facing their own probs too. But lets take a minute and ask question like Why all these happen ? Sometimes especially Muslims who (should) practice Islam we are tend to focus on worldly lifestyle. When we have what we want, sometimes we may forget The One that grant our wish. Or if you ever forget The Almighty, maybe because you lack of any ibadah to increase your Imaan.

The problems :""(

Pernah tak rasa macam nak berubah jadi baik macam orang orang yang alim yang warak yet they have a happy life, |Tapi you yang baru nak berubah, tetiba bila terlintas nak berubah, tons of sadness pulak hit you ? Like one by one the loved ones left. Basically thats what I'm encountering now. Sedih kannn ? So somehow and somewhat I'm wondering why all these happening to me. It is not that they leave me in terms of dead, they left me hanging alone. Bertambah sedih kannn ? So just now a thought has come out in my mind where I think I pernah bebetul niat tak nak follow norms of many students here (which is obviously a bad behavior). I mean I wanna be someone who can lead others to the way of Islam. Then right after I have the intentions, that is when those yang rapat with me during my first semester missing. One by one withdrew (mostly because got better offer) and if they are still around we are not in the same tutorial class, The thing is when we are not in the same tutorial class, meaning we have less time together. And those who are the same class with me in the tutorial class are mostly those who I am kind of awkward to mingle around. Because they are in one gang which I'm not one of them. So yeah itu pasal classmates. But there are waaaay a lot more that left me up until now.

The solutions :)

So only just now I got the thought that maybe they arent good to be with me when I wanna be a better person. Maybe with them around me, I cant change myself. Sebab if you come to  think of it, everything that happened or are happening are from Allah. He is the one who set your life. Things wont happen if He didnt will it to happen. So remember. Whatever happens, hold on tight to Him. I believe on a quote that says "You cant have the roses without the thorns". It comes in a perfect package. Therefore, if any destruction comes in your journey to a happiness life, just deal with it.
Besides at your age now, surely you will face so many things that will come ahead (if umur panjang, Inshaa Allah) Make it wise. If you cant handle them now, how youre gonna handle those that are coming. Doesnt mind what kind of test that being tested on you, semuanya Allah bagi atas kemampuan kita. Within our limit. So face it okay guys !
So yeah dont afraid to make a change. Things happen for reasons. Live happily even in sadness life :) [Sila fahamkan ayat bebetul]

With that, I thank you.
Till we meet again, xoxo

Thursday, October 8

Helloooo ! 
Salam alayk 

I've been away more than  a month. So yeah, actually I did want to post two days ago but then I dont know why I keep on deleting so yeah tak terpost makanya. 
Basically I want to write something about what I experienced by myself. I hope anyone who read this will take it as a lesson okay. please.

The story begins with...... Okay macam ni. When I was in mrsm, I were teached to be a practised muslim. So when I enter a private institution, the rules are waaaay too loose (to me). And seriously its like kampus ni bapak aku punya. I told myself earlier that during tertiary education life, you have to managed your own. None cares about you anymore. So yeah I'm trying so hard thou to be a practised muslim as a whole as in my ikhtilat, my attire and anything related. 

In Islam itself, women are asked to cover herself; wearing headscarf, wearing loose clothes and all. Not only to cover just like that, women arent supposed expose themselves to be seen by men. So by covering herself, they wont be disturbed by men.

It is supposed to be that way.

What happened was (all of us never run from commit mistakes, so do I) I failed to control my ikhtilat konon konon with excuse that I dont want to be labelled as snobbish. Konon konon nak friendly. So I entertained everyone equally either girl or boy. Of course with the limit la as in I dont touch non-mahram. Then come this one man which maybe he thought that I am just the same as those girls yang senang rapat rapat and pegang pegang lelaki 😔 Then what he did was he tried so hard to touch me and mostly sit very close to me. I even told that I dont like to be sitted very close with any guys nor gays. But everything seems to be blown on yam leaves (as what malay iodiom says; bagai mencurah air ke daun keladi. I know water and blow have nothing to do with each other 😂)

What I'm trying to say is do respect people. I dont blame him for that because maybe he do not aware about ikhtilat. But respect la. Faham faham la bila orang tak suka. We have different backgroud, so it made us different. Then respect is the key. Even you taknak follow what Islam ask you to do, respect orang yang nak cuba menjadi baik as a muslim. 

And if you are a muslim, you should practise what Allah has asked you to do. This world is only a stop for us before the Day of Judgement. Bawak bawak la bertobat. 

So yeah, thats it for today.
Inshaa Allah, will post more next time.
Have a nice day, peeps ! Lots of love 😘

Monday, August 31

Wish to be a doctor ?


So just now I have read a book titled 'Diagnosis'. I know I'm a later type of person. Everybody else read the book even the second book, while me just JUST read the first one. I bought that book 3 months ago actually but my heart only open to read it just now. Hewhewhew.
Well, technically of course I want to 'kupas' about the book. Here is me a 18 years young (instead of old, I preferably use young so that I know I'm still young 🙆) girl who have a typical minded on doctors.

Not to say I hate doctors, just that yeah you know I only not into this medical thingy. I used to have a typical tought about doctors where they are always busy and have to face all kinds of human' attitude and lack of sleep. Kahkahkah. Tapi hampa jangan main main depa gaji besaq. Dugaan hidup pun besaq gak.

So basically the book give me a bigger frame of benefots being a doctor. I always want to do things that open my eyes about Allah swt's Greatness. So by being a doctor and meeting those who in needs in terms of health, is a good thing to see Allah's Greatness. Because there are diseases that we human cannot cure other than Allah's will to heal them. Besides, our Prophet Muhammad SAW said
Sabda Rasulullah SAW "Sesiapa yang menziarahi saudara seIslamnya yang sakit seolah-olah dia berada dalam Kharfah sehingga dia pulang" Baginda kemudian ditanya: "Wahai Rasulullah, apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan Kharfah itu ?" Rasulullah besabda, "Iaitu kebun syurga (yang penuh dengan buah buahan yang boleh dipetik pada bila bila masa)" (hadis riwayat Muslim)
"Tiada seorang pun yang menziarahi saudara seIslamnya yang sakit pada waktu pagi melainkan 70,000 malaikat mendoakannya untuk mendapat rahmat sehingga ke waktu petang. Sekiranya dia menziarahi saudaranya pada waktu petang, maka 70,000 malaikat mendoakannya untuk mendapat rahmat Allah sehingga ke waktu pagi. Dia juga akan mendapat nikmat berupa buah-buahan syurga yang boleh dioetik pada bila-bila masa." (Hadis riwayat At-Tirmizi)              (Taken from Diagnosis, pg 9-10)

 Therefore, lets support those who wish to pursue doctors. And for doctors to-be and doctors out there, may all your efforts and hardship pay off in this world and hereafter.

My mom used to wish I'll be a doctor. But cant help that I really dont have any criteria to be a doctor. Mana taknya weh, tengok orang nak kena bedah pun dah nak tercabut jantung, ini kalau cek yang membedah. Mahu cek yang 'jalan' dulu. Kahkahkah.

Aanyways, no matter what we do, niatkan kerana Allah. Inshaa Allah, dipermudahkan 😌

Thank you,
Assalamualaikum !

P/s: Next week final woi. Kejung otot perut menahan debor. Harap dipermudah. Huhuhu

Friday, August 28

Its friday dude


Alhamdulillah, we meet again.

Nothing to say today. Just a review of how my university life so far. Alhamdulillah, I've done with my first semester of university. I bet none of you know where I'm studying. Well, unless if you meet me in my every day life. Currently, I'm in Universiti Tun Abdul Razak or known as UNIRAZAK. Most people get confused between UNIRAZAK and UNITAR. Unirazak is the one that in the heart of Kuala Lumpur whereas Unitar is the one at Kelana Jaya. We are different thou. Of course I would say my place is better 🙆

Basically, to be part of razakian students was totally not my choice. It was my parents' decision. My one and only choice was IIUM. Yes, I wanted to be a law student of IIUM. Out of 8 choices in UPU, 5 of them was IIUM. See, how eager I was to be part of IIUM. Unfortunately, Allah knows the best. None of my lists accepted. I was rejected by UPU. *crying at the corner of the wall* It was a hard time for me because I really want IIUM. Then my mom said "Susah susah sangat masuk unirazak jelah. Ibu bayar. Takpe, tapi kena janji kena belajar betul betul. Untuk dapat scholarship masa degree nanti." Yeah, basically, it was an order hahahah. Of course I wasnt agree at the first time. I refused to follow what my mom said. By that time I was in the border line of quit my part time job. It took two weeks of depressions. Then after all the struggles and after all my stubborns, I finally lowered down my ego after my dad with full of loves, he listed the benefits of pursuing taxation. Ohh I forgot to tell you that I will pursue bachelor of taxation once my foundation is done.

So yeah that is how I end up here. Of course when you have no heart on something, it will be hard. Thats how I felt during the orientation week. Only Allah knows how much I dislike it ! But then after awhile, alhamdulillah. I know that this is my rezeki. Although the surrounding is not what I wish it to be, but Alhamdulillah, those people here are very nice to me. Things that I love the most here is my first semster subjects. I only learn English subjects. Ermm not I, but we. Seriously bro, we only learn English subjects; Listening and Speaking skills, Reading skills, Writing skills and Grammar. Nak muntah gak la belajar english je. For three months ! Alhamdulillah, my three months here finally over. Yeayyy ! Next week is study leave and week after is my examination week. Pray that I can answer the question well 😌 I'm nervous for the Speaking exam. I'm not that fluent when it comes to talk. Because I think too much on my grammar and vocabulary. And I dont have a confidence to talk in English as I rarely talk in English. If you guys curious about how we do our exam , its just the same like how you do for your muet exam. Exactly the same. Listening; you have to listen to an audio and write the answer based on the audio. Speaking; you have to sit in 4 people a group with an examiner, then talk la. Hahahha. As for reading, writing and grammar, just how we always do during school exam but the papers are seperated.

The conclusion is sometimes when we feel like we dont deserve it, but it still comes. That is where we need to close our eyes and accept the fate that it is meant for us. So I guess that is for now, till we meet again.

Assalamualaikum 😚

Saturday, August 22

Wake Up Call !

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahhi wabarakatuh

Yes, its me ! I'm back, guys !
I dont know if there are anybody who still read this blog after so many months of rest 😂😂

The reason why I'm back is because I need something that I can spill my feelings to. Sound sad aint ? Hahah Well, it is. I was scrolling my gallery photos in the phone. Then suddenly I found a photo of me wearing niqab. It was not a real niqab. Its a shawl actually, but I turn it into a fashionable niqab. Honestly, I dont know how I can be that creative tho. Yeah that photo of me reminds me about those time where I feel I'm a muslim. Well, I'm still and forever a proud muslim. Its just that those times were the time I felt my Imaan at the level of I felt I'm closed to Allah SWT. And I miss those times. I miss those time during my life in MRSM Pengkalan Hulu. I miss the Islamic life. Now, I'm no longer there. Now I'm in a private university in Malaysia. When I said private university, you know how the lifestyle is. There are no rules on wearing head scarf, no rules on relationship between man and woman, no rules on solat berjemaah. And none of them care to advice each other on the things that make us closer to Islam. Well, there are a few number of seniors who seems to look like alim, but they are seniors. I'm shy to approach them 👉👈 I've been so long not listen to tazkirah or any other Islamic talk nor dicussion. And I miss it. I hope one day I will find a friend whose from the same university with that can hold my hands and say"I'll be by your side in seek Allah's blessings. We will find those ceramah and tazkirah together" At the very least of my hope.

Betul la orang kata, kawan memang senang nak cari, tapi bukan sahabat. Dear readers, help me to pray for my heart strengthness to show to the world that I am not the same as other girl who loves this world more than their life in hereafter. I want to be a good muslimah. A good servant of Allah. And a good followers of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. I want to get up. I want to fulfill what I wished to be before I see the real world today. Inshaa Allah 😌

With that, I thank you.

P/s: Inshaa Allah, I will frequently update my blog again. 😂 I will not let this blog rest more than a month. Sorry, dear bloggie for dumping you without any notice 😂

Thursday, January 1

Assalamualaikum ya muslimin wa muslimat seluruh alam.

Hello peeps we are in 2015 !!!!!
Okay, itu over.
Dalam pada seronok menyambut tahun baru, ingatlah bahawa umur kita juga makin pendek. Tak lama lagi kita nak jumpa balik Sang Pencipta. Lepas tu, tak tahu apa nasib dalam kubur, padang mahsyar ? Syurga kah atau neraka kah kelayakan kita *insert emoticon menangis*
Anyways, about what I told pasal dekat mahsyar nanti dalam entri sebelum ni, today I would tell you in details.

Sebenarnya dapat dari whatsapp. Kebetulan beberapa hari lepas entri sebelum ni di post, ada orang send kisah tu. Jadi saya post balik dalam blog ni supaya anda lebih faham dan dapat kaitkan dengan apa yang saya cakap.
Please note that I copied and pasted. So, yeah you'll see the differences in the writing form :)
Baca ni serious rasa nak nangis. Attention ! Pls Read This ! Tlg bce smpi habes wlupn pnjg.. 
Kata ustaz, mahsyar ni punya la lama sampai kita hari ni tak mampu fikir berapa lama kita akan berada di alam mahsyar. Para sahabat Rasulullah saw tanya, mahsyar kat mana? Jawab Rasulullah saw, mahsyar ni di bumi ini sendiri di mana bumi ini dihamparkan. Tiada pokok, tiada sungai, gunung ganang, tempat berteduh dan tiada bertepian.Ini terjadi bila malaikat israfil tiup sangka kala pada pertama kali. Kali kedua malaikat israfil tiup, semua manusia akan bangkit dari kubur masing2 dalam keadaan yang sungguh terpinga2. Lalu manusia bertanya sesama sendiri, dimana kita? Lalu datang api dari laut yang meluap-luap menghambat manusia ke mahsyar. Bayangkan manusia seluruhnya dari zaman nabi Adam as sampai manusia terakhir hidup di atas muka bumi ini dibangkitkan dalam keadaan lapar dan haus yang bersangatan serta bertelanjang bulat dihambat ke mahsyar.Rujuk surah yassin ayat 52-54. ditambah dengan binatang lagi, jadi tak dapat dipastikan jumlah makhluk pada hari tu.Saidatina Aisyah ra pernah bertanya Rasulullah saw, tidakkah kaum lelaki memandang aurat wanita. Lalu dijawab nabi saw dengan memetik ayat quran, pada hari itu semua manusia sibuk dengan urusan diri sendiri.Rujuk surah a'basa ayat 37(80:37).Ada yang ke mahsyar dengan menunggang binatang, ada yang pergi dengan mukanya, ada yang berjalan, dan yang istimewa dibawa oleh malaikat munkar dan nakir. Bila sampai di mahsyar,perbicaraan tak berjalan lagi. Kena tunggu entah berapa lama.Lalu keseluruhan umat manusia tadi pergi kepada nabi Adam as hanya untuk meminta syafaat untuk Allah swt percepatkan hisab. Jawab nabi adam as dia tak boleh bagi syafaat kerana dia pernah melakukan dosa. Pergilah seluruh umat manusia ini kepada seluruh rasul ulul azmi, bermula nabi nuh a.s, musa a.s, isa a.s, dan ibrahim a.s tetapi nabi2 ini hanya berdoa keselamatan diri masing2.Lalu pergi semua manusia kepada nabi Muhammad saw, lalu baginda berdoa dan Allah swt memperkenankan untuk mempercepatkan hisab.Bayangkan semasa menanti perbicaraan, ada orang dah minta pd Allah swt awal2 agar disegerakan masuk ke neraka sebab tak tahan lamanya berdiri di mahsyar. Bayangkan ruang yang ada hanya untuk meletakkan tapak kaki kite je krn padatnya manusia pada hari tu.          Sebelum hisab bermula, kitab2 amalan kita akan turun dari arash. Masa tu tahulah kita tangan mana yang sambut kitab tu. Kalaupun tangan kanan yang ambil kitab kita, masih tak menjamin kita ke syurga. Kemudian Allah swt panggil sorang2 untuk dihisab. Sebelum Allah swt mula hisab, Allah swt suruh kita baca semua amalan yang tercatat dalam buku kita disaksikan semua manusia. Tiada satu pun yg tertinggal. Lepas habis baca Allah swt akan tanya kita 3 soalan.1) Adakah terdapat pahala kamu yang tidak dicatat oleh malaikat raqib dan atid2) tak ingat3) apa alasan kamu atas segala dosa yang kamu lakukan.          Setelah ditimbang di al mizan, didapati pahala kita la melebihi dosa kita. Seolah-olah sikit lagi kita ke syurga, tetapi final check Allah swt lakukan. Allah swt tanya kepada semua orang, siapa yang kenal kita sila tampil kedepan untuk menuntut hak mereka.Antara yang mula2 bangun adalah anak isteri keluarga, jiran2, kawan2 dll.Jika ada hak mereka yang tidak ditunaikan, pahala kita tadi terpaksa bagi pd mereka. Jika pahala dah habis, dosa mereka pula kita tanggung (ini yang dimaksudkan suami akan tanggung dosa anak2 dan isteri).      Kita yang perempuan, jagalah diri  kita. Sebab apa yang kita buat tak effect diri kita sorang, tp effect jugak orang2 yang kita sayang.Ayah kita, abang dan adik2 lelaki kita, suami kita. Kalau betul sayang mereka, lindungi mereka, jangan jadi penarik mereka ke neraka.. Tutup aurat, jaga maruah, jaga akhlak, jaga agama kita.Hari mahsyar hari yang sangat dahsyat.    Kata ustaz, hidup di dunia janganlah kita kejar populariti, nak terkenal, takut tak tertanggung kesannya kat akhirat nanti.Kedua, jagalah amanah dan kejujuran kita sebab pada hari tu amanah dan kejujuran kita akan membantu.        Yakinkah kita tergolong dlm golongan mereka yang terpilih Allah swt ke syurga? Nak masuk syurga bukan senang..Jom sama-sama bantu diri dan kawan-kawan.. Moga Allah swt bantu kita di hari pembalasan nanti. InshaaAllah.. Aamiin..Wallahu'alam.

You see, orang yang composed message tu pun kata nak dapat syurga bukan senang. Tapi tak mustahil untuk kita dapat. Macamana nak dapat ? Kenalah sadokan hatimu, wahai saudara saudari. Jangan malas nak buat baik. Jaga hubungan dengan Allah. Selalulah berselawat supaya senang nak dapat syafaat Nabi Muhammad SAW. Amalan sunat pun kena buat. Sebagai tanda cinta kita pada nabi SAW. 3 Januari ni bersamaan dengan 12 Rabiul awal. Tarikh kelahiran nabi. Tak salah untuk kita sambut Maulid Nabi.

Kalau golongan wahabi, dia tak bagi sambut maulid nabi ni. Depa kata itu bid'ah. Bid'ah ni apa sebenaqnya ? Bid'ah ialah perkara yang tidak dibuat oleh Rasulullah dan pada zamannya. Tapi perlu diingat. Bid'ah ni ada dua jenis: bid'ah hasanah (bid'ah yang baik) dan bid'ah dholalah (bid'ah yang tak baik).
Bid'ah hasanah ni perkara yang boleh mendekatkan kita kepada Allah dan Nabi SAW manakala bid'ah dholalah boleh menyesatkan kita. Contoh bid'ah hasanah ni, antaranya sambut maulid nabi, berqasidah dan sebagainya. Contoh bid'ah dholalah pulak seperti mengatakan bahawa Allah itu bertempat.

Okayy, kesimpulan kepada entry ni, marilah sesama kita memperbaiki diri selagi ada masa.
Ambillah pengajaran daripada musibah banjir. I heard dekat pantai timur dah okay, tapi dekat pahang macam makin teruk. Hmm semoga semuanya selamat dan diberi kekuatan untuk hadapi semua tu. Honestly, sebenarnya aku agak terkesan juga bila ada banjir macam ni. Sebelum ni, tak kisah pun. Mungkin sebab aku ada kawan-kawan yang tinggal area situ. So perasaan tu lebih sikit bila mengenangkan nasib kawan-kawan yang dikasihi. Hahah

That's all for now.
Till we meet again.

xoxo, Wani :)