Assalamualaikum warahmatullahhi wabarakatuh
Yes, its me ! I'm back, guys !
I dont know if there are anybody who still read this blog after so many months of rest 😂😂
The reason why I'm back is because I need something that I can spill my feelings to. Sound sad aint ? Hahah Well, it is. I was scrolling my gallery photos in the phone. Then suddenly I found a photo of me wearing niqab. It was not a real niqab. Its a shawl actually, but I turn it into a fashionable niqab. Honestly, I dont know how I can be that creative tho. Yeah that photo of me reminds me about those time where I feel I'm a muslim. Well, I'm still and forever a proud muslim. Its just that those times were the time I felt my Imaan at the level of I felt I'm closed to Allah SWT. And I miss those times. I miss those time during my life in MRSM Pengkalan Hulu. I miss the Islamic life. Now, I'm no longer there. Now I'm in a private university in Malaysia. When I said private university, you know how the lifestyle is. There are no rules on wearing head scarf, no rules on relationship between man and woman, no rules on solat berjemaah. And none of them care to advice each other on the things that make us closer to Islam. Well, there are a few number of seniors who seems to look like alim, but they are seniors. I'm shy to approach them 👉👈 I've been so long not listen to tazkirah or any other Islamic talk nor dicussion. And I miss it. I hope one day I will find a friend whose from the same university with that can hold my hands and say"I'll be by your side in seek Allah's blessings. We will find those ceramah and tazkirah together" At the very least of my hope.
Betul la orang kata, kawan memang senang nak cari, tapi bukan sahabat. Dear readers, help me to pray for my heart strengthness to show to the world that I am not the same as other girl who loves this world more than their life in hereafter. I want to be a good muslimah. A good servant of Allah. And a good followers of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. I want to get up. I want to fulfill what I wished to be before I see the real world today. Inshaa Allah 😌
With that, I thank you.
P/s: Inshaa Allah, I will frequently update my blog again. 😂 I will not let this blog rest more than a month. Sorry, dear bloggie for dumping you without any notice 😂