Thursday, October 8

Helloooo ! 
Salam alayk 

I've been away more than  a month. So yeah, actually I did want to post two days ago but then I dont know why I keep on deleting so yeah tak terpost makanya. 
Basically I want to write something about what I experienced by myself. I hope anyone who read this will take it as a lesson okay. please.

The story begins with...... Okay macam ni. When I was in mrsm, I were teached to be a practised muslim. So when I enter a private institution, the rules are waaaay too loose (to me). And seriously its like kampus ni bapak aku punya. I told myself earlier that during tertiary education life, you have to managed your own. None cares about you anymore. So yeah I'm trying so hard thou to be a practised muslim as a whole as in my ikhtilat, my attire and anything related. 

In Islam itself, women are asked to cover herself; wearing headscarf, wearing loose clothes and all. Not only to cover just like that, women arent supposed expose themselves to be seen by men. So by covering herself, they wont be disturbed by men.

It is supposed to be that way.

What happened was (all of us never run from commit mistakes, so do I) I failed to control my ikhtilat konon konon with excuse that I dont want to be labelled as snobbish. Konon konon nak friendly. So I entertained everyone equally either girl or boy. Of course with the limit la as in I dont touch non-mahram. Then come this one man which maybe he thought that I am just the same as those girls yang senang rapat rapat and pegang pegang lelaki 😔 Then what he did was he tried so hard to touch me and mostly sit very close to me. I even told that I dont like to be sitted very close with any guys nor gays. But everything seems to be blown on yam leaves (as what malay iodiom says; bagai mencurah air ke daun keladi. I know water and blow have nothing to do with each other 😂)

What I'm trying to say is do respect people. I dont blame him for that because maybe he do not aware about ikhtilat. But respect la. Faham faham la bila orang tak suka. We have different backgroud, so it made us different. Then respect is the key. Even you taknak follow what Islam ask you to do, respect orang yang nak cuba menjadi baik as a muslim. 

And if you are a muslim, you should practise what Allah has asked you to do. This world is only a stop for us before the Day of Judgement. Bawak bawak la bertobat. 

So yeah, thats it for today.
Inshaa Allah, will post more next time.
Have a nice day, peeps ! Lots of love 😘