Friday, November 6

Why bad things happen to me ?

Assalamualaikum :)
Hoping you're doing fine there.
Today I just wanna do some self reminder. To be honest I've been hit by all those things that stressed me out these few weeks. From family, friends, old friends, classes everything ! I dont know what went wrong. I'm not complaining. But as I said its just a self reminder. I know everyone is facing their own probs too. But lets take a minute and ask question like Why all these happen ? Sometimes especially Muslims who (should) practice Islam we are tend to focus on worldly lifestyle. When we have what we want, sometimes we may forget The One that grant our wish. Or if you ever forget The Almighty, maybe because you lack of any ibadah to increase your Imaan.

The problems :""(

Pernah tak rasa macam nak berubah jadi baik macam orang orang yang alim yang warak yet they have a happy life, |Tapi you yang baru nak berubah, tetiba bila terlintas nak berubah, tons of sadness pulak hit you ? Like one by one the loved ones left. Basically thats what I'm encountering now. Sedih kannn ? So somehow and somewhat I'm wondering why all these happening to me. It is not that they leave me in terms of dead, they left me hanging alone. Bertambah sedih kannn ? So just now a thought has come out in my mind where I think I pernah bebetul niat tak nak follow norms of many students here (which is obviously a bad behavior). I mean I wanna be someone who can lead others to the way of Islam. Then right after I have the intentions, that is when those yang rapat with me during my first semester missing. One by one withdrew (mostly because got better offer) and if they are still around we are not in the same tutorial class, The thing is when we are not in the same tutorial class, meaning we have less time together. And those who are the same class with me in the tutorial class are mostly those who I am kind of awkward to mingle around. Because they are in one gang which I'm not one of them. So yeah itu pasal classmates. But there are waaaay a lot more that left me up until now.

The solutions :)

So only just now I got the thought that maybe they arent good to be with me when I wanna be a better person. Maybe with them around me, I cant change myself. Sebab if you come to  think of it, everything that happened or are happening are from Allah. He is the one who set your life. Things wont happen if He didnt will it to happen. So remember. Whatever happens, hold on tight to Him. I believe on a quote that says "You cant have the roses without the thorns". It comes in a perfect package. Therefore, if any destruction comes in your journey to a happiness life, just deal with it.
Besides at your age now, surely you will face so many things that will come ahead (if umur panjang, Inshaa Allah) Make it wise. If you cant handle them now, how youre gonna handle those that are coming. Doesnt mind what kind of test that being tested on you, semuanya Allah bagi atas kemampuan kita. Within our limit. So face it okay guys !
So yeah dont afraid to make a change. Things happen for reasons. Live happily even in sadness life :) [Sila fahamkan ayat bebetul]

With that, I thank you.
Till we meet again, xoxo