Assalamualaikum warahmatullahhi wabarakatuh ;)
As you know now is a new year eve. Yessss ! Happy new yearr everyoneee !! *Fireworksss* *boommmm booommm booommmmmmmm* Lol
May Allah gives all of us His rahmat and hidayah. And may our ibadah will be much more effective than the past. Ya Allah, how time flies so so so fast ! Astaghfirullahhalazim.
*ambil aura ceramah UAI dekat live streaming ;p;p;p*
Seriously, aku nak ajak dan aku memohon kepada semua agar sama-sama la kita berubah ke arah kebaikan. Cuba cari ilmu. Ilmu itu penting sebelum kita buat sesuatu. Yang dah dapat hidayah tu, jangan sia-siakan. Ada ustazah aku kata banyak hidayah Allah bagi sebenarnya. Contoh masa tengah tidur tetiba terbangun waktu subuh sebab bunyi mat rempit tepi jalan. Itu dikira hidayah. Hidayah untuk pergi solat subuh. Sedarlah wahai saudara saudari, tanpa Allah di hati, you are nothing, my dear. N-O-T-H-I-N-G. Setiap deru nafas yang awak hirup tu, Allah yang bagi. Harta yang banyak melimpah ruah tu pun Allah yang bagi. Janganlah bangga sangat. Awak mati nanti naik keranda juga, tinggal dalam tanah juga, harta tu semua di tinggalkan juga T.T
Maaf andai bahasa saya kasar. Wuuuuuu~ Pagi tadi pun ibu tegur benda yang sama. Bahasa aku kasar. Dedulu tak cenggini pun. Kena pasang azam baru ni. Anyways, I would like to say sorry for everything. Halalkan segala yang terlebih dan terkurang. Al-maklumlah, kita ni nak SPM dah. Doakan aku dapat jawab soalan dia leklok T.T Apa iniiii ? Aku cakap macam esok bebetul SPM je. Ya Allah !
So everyone. Let's make a new year (sebanarnya kita orang Islam, tahun baru kita adalah awal muharam. Bukannya hari ni) a very grand new you. Tinggalkan segala kepahitan dan sisi gelap awak jauh di dasar laut. Learn ! Kenangan bukannya untuk ditangisi tetapi untuk di ambil iktibar serta pengajaran. Allah Maha Pengampun. Mohonlah kepada Allah Tuhan semesta alam.
Actually to be a better person, we shouldn't wait for a new year or a new age or whatever. Every single second that you have is the time to be a better person. Learn learn learn !! Ya Allah, lembutkanlah hati hamba-hambaMu yang membaca blog ini untuk menerima hidayahMu, wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Kaya. Turunkanlah rahmatMu ke atas mereka. Ameen ya Rabbal alamin ^^
Akhir kata, last ! Again, I would like to apologize to everyone either I did mistakes to you or not. Tomorrow I'll be back to Pengkalan Hulu. Pray for me to end my final year as a student to be a much more better as Allah's slave and doing well in my SPM examination and get flying colours result. Inshaa Allah. Bismillahhirrahmanirrahim Ameen ! Ohhh and you too, barakallahu feek. May you always be in Allah swt's blessing and may Allah grant you jannah. Ameeen. Setakat doa tak usaha, tak ke mana gak.
Pesanan ikhlas ni ditujukan kepada diri aku juga sebenarnya. Di samping aku mengingatkan orang, aku ingatkan diri aku. I'm not a good muslimah but I'm trying to be the one. So many trials and challenges whenever we want Allah's blessing. So by that, you must to be strong. Keep on walking in the Allah's path. Always pray to Allah that you'll never astray. If you did, quickly repent and remember yourself not to let the hidayah that Allah gave is a waste. We're just a human. Human are just so weak ! Yes, we are weak. Everything we do must have an assistance. So it's normal if you sometimes default. But it's not normal if you let yourself go astray like.. forever ? Whatever challenges you're/you'll facing, remember ! You live to please Allah. Allah made you alive to please Him not others. But it doesn't means that we can harm others. Hablu minallah wa hablu minannas ; jaga hubungan dengan Allah dan hubungan dengan manusia. Means that we also have to be nice to other people. Because all Muslims are a family, my dear brothers and sisters. Remember that you live to please Allah swt, indeed.
So I guess that's all for now. Me still didn't pack my stuffs T.T
I hope some of you get something from this entry. I would love to help any of you who wants to make a change. If you need any assistance, you can email me at but I'll not be able to straight away reply your mail. Maybe during school holiday or when I come back home, Inshaa Allah I'll reply. But you can ask him and her too if you want. Inshaa Allah they will have much more time for you than I have T.T
So good luck ! I ended my post with Jazakallahu khairan ya akhi wa ukhti. And again barakallahu feek.
Asslamualaikum wbt ;)
Waniie :)
p/s: I thought this post will be just short. But now it's double from what I thought. Sorry for that. Thank you for readding anyway :)